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In celebration of exceeding our target for May the team took a trip out on the river via speedboat!

The day started out at York Marina; it was raining but that didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits! The team then made their way along the river to the centre of York, with Guy wearing a signature captains’ hat. This was topped with a lovely continental breakfast of croissants and champagne.

The boat trip finished back at York Marina all were a bit cold and wet, but everyone had a great time, once the team had dried out, they headed to the restaurant, the Botanist in York, for a lovely meal and some more bubbly!

Charlotte described her funniest moment as seeingGuy trying to drive/park the boat – ‘There was lots of logs floating down the river at a fast speed that we luckily managed to dodge! However, we did nearly bump into a few things!’

Jessica commented that - ‘The whole day was fantastic from start to finish! It was great to spend time together as a team and what better way to do it with a glass of champagne on our very own boat! Seen some incredible sights and it was not only lots of fun but very relaxing.’
