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Why the “You should be honoured to work for us.” attitude is outdated

The mindset that an employee “should feel honoured to work for us.” is an outdated belief undergoing a notable change, represented by a shift in attitudes. The playing field has levelled as highly skilled employees demand roles that align with their values and goals, intertwining professional development with personal growth and job satisfaction.

Workplace culture is being brought to the fore with a focus on physical and mental wellbeing, work-life balance, and flexible working practices, heralding the birth of employee-centric working environments. Remote working, once a novelty, has now found its place as a cornerstone of professional life, embraced, facilitated by technological advancements and the digital revolution.

The rise in popularity of social media has further amplified this shift, providing platforms for employees to voice their lived experience to global audiences. Websites like Glassdoor have democratised transparency, empowering current and former employees to hold employers accountable by sharing insider insights about company cultures. In a world where a single viral story can make or break public perception, employer branding has become paramount.

Healthcare providers are learning that their employer reputation is as important as the company branding presented to patients. Those with strong, positive employer brands attract top talent, while others resistant to change find themselves struggling to fill positions with suitably qualified healthcare professionals.

Studying the values and beliefs of Millennial and Gen Z generations reveals a profound demand for meaningful employment and ethical work practices. These individuals, equipped with a digital-first mindset, prioritising purpose over paycheque, are instigating change within traditionally rigid work environments, advocating for diversity, inclusivity, and social responsibility. Companies clinging to the antiquated attitudes and beliefs risk alienating these workers, leading to high turnover rates and a demoralised workforce.

For employers willing to cultivate change and engage with modern workforce expectations, the rewards are substantial. Strategies for creating mutually respectful and collaborative environments include fostering continuous feedback channels, facilitating open communication, and placing a strong emphasis on employee development and career progression. These efforts not only mitigate the risks associated with outdated mindsets but also lay the groundwork for thriving, dynamic workplace cultures that benefit all.

In summary, the mindset that an employee ‘should feel honoured to work for us’ is an outdated belief. If this belief is exhibited in the behaviours of your leaders responsible for hiring, it will damage your employer brand. Through embracing cohesive, inclusive, respectful, innovative workplace practices with a modern mindset, healthcare companies can retain talented professionals.

For further guidance on enhancing your workplace branding, visit Stroud Resourcing to learn more.
