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The power of interview feedback

As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, the importance of the candidate experience cannot be understated. Healthcare providers are realising that beyond the process of simply filling vacancies, candidate perception of their journey through the recruitment process plays a monumental role in shaping the overall success and reputation of the company itself.

The candidate experience refers to the sum of all interactions that potential employees have with a company throughout the recruitment process, stretching from the first point of contact—be it a job advert or referral—through to the final stage of hiring decision and onboarding. Each round presents an opportunity to influence the candidate's perception, embedding either a positive or a negative impression. Research suggests that a poor candidate experience can impact an employer’s reputation considerably—candidates who have a negative experience are often vocal about their displeasure, which can deter others from applying and tarnish the employer’s public image.

Using interview feedback to drive recruiting success

At the heart of this experience lies a critical element—interview feedback. Often overlooked, providing candidates with insights into their performance during the interview or assessment process is a powerful tool in the hands of employers. Providing interview feedback is not merely a courtesy but a necessity in refining the candidate experience, helping them to understand their strengths and key areas for improvement.

The role of interview feedback is not to be underestimated in this intricate puzzle. Constructive feedback serves as a vital artery connecting potential hires with the company, keeping channels of communication open. From a psychological standpoint, receiving detailed, personal feedback can provide candidates with a sense of value and respect. In a study conducted by LinkedIn, almost 94% of respondents articulated that they desire feedback if they are overlooked after an interview. It turns the potentially impersonal act of rejection into a more engaging discourse, where candidates feel acknowledged and can take constructive criticism onboard, enhancing their prospects.

The importance of providing interview feedback

There are various benefits to providing thoughtful feedback with even rejected candidates coming away with a favourable impression of the healthcare provider. Candidates become brand advocates, sharing their positive experiences with peers, which can lead to an increase in referrals and potential reapplications. Moreover, guidance on improving interview skills enriches the talent pool, resulting in well-prepared applicants in future recruitment cycles.

While the merits of interview feedback are clear, the path to implementing it effectively is lined with challenges. Employers often struggle with the balance between providing comprehensive feedback and the time investment required. Additionally, there is an ever-present concern of straying into legal grey areas while delivering feedback. However, these hurdles can be surmounted through training interviewers to communicate accurate, concise, and clear feedback in a respectful constructive manner.

In conclusion, the role of interview feedback emerges as a cornerstone in crafting a stellar candidate journey. It is imperative for healthcare providers to embed this practice as a strategic element within their recruitment framework. Applying this approach will bolster your brand reputation whilst fostering an environment that draws and retains highly skilled healthcare professionals.

For further Hiring Manager and Recruiter advice, consult Stroud Resourcing or simply call us on 01904 239910.
