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10 metrics to measure the effectiveness of your interview strategies

Successful interview strategies are pivotal; they are the blueprint for organisational success. But how do you measure their effectiveness? Enter metrics – the invaluable tools that provide a quantitative way to evaluate and refine interview strategies with precision. Here we explore ten metrics that can support and assess your interview strategies.

Time to hire

A swift time to hire is the recipe for maintaining a competitive edge in healthcare. Candidates will not wait for you, and you must consider the cost if having an unfilled vacancy. Delays, often stemming from indecision or procedural bottlenecks, can be addressed through streamlined decision-making and agile internal processes, effectively shortening the path from application to acceptance.

Candidate experience

Each interaction with a candidate reverberates beyond the interview room, leaving impressions that can inspire advocacy or incite criticism. Capturing the essence of this experience via surveys or follow-up communications allows healthcare organisations to adjust their process, ensuring candidates have a positive experience regardless of whether they secured a job offer. 

Offer Acceptance Rate

High acceptance rates suggest a finely tuned process wherein candidates feel valued and respected. Enhancements here may involve better communication strategies, where transparency and understanding of mutual needs take centre stage.

Interview-to-offer ratio

When this ratio reveals a difference between interviews conducted and offers made, it may signal a discord in question relevance or selection criteria, prompting a re-evaluation of the interview score to ensure it resonates with desired outcomes. 

Quality of hire

This metric is woven from threads of individual performance reviews, hiring manager satisfaction ratings and retention insights.

Candidate drop-off rate

Addressing these requires clearer communication and a more finely calibrated interview experience, ensuring that the allure of your process does not wane.

Interviewer feedback

Standardised feedback collection methods ensure consistency, allowing the interviewers’ insights to tune and refine the process.


Diversity is not merely aspirational but essential and calls for strategies that root out biases. To ensure your diversity recruiting strategy is effective, you should compare the demographic statistics of your new recruits against specific population benchmarks or other healthcare organisations. This highlights opportunities for improvement whilst promoting an inclusive workplace culture and environment.

Cost per hire

A low cost per hire without compromising on quality is a clear indicator of an effective recruitment strategy. 

Retention rate

Ensuring high retention involves ongoing dialogue with employees, an engagement that nurtures their continuous commitment to your healthcare organisation.

These metrics offer the insights needed to fine-tune your interview strategies, ensuring your recruitment process reflects the needs of prospective and exiting employees. If you do not have the resources to implement all ten metrics, choose one that addresses a problem you are currently facing and embed this into your process. Once the issue is resolved, repeat the process and so forth.

Further Hiring Manager and Recruiter advice can be found through accessing Stroud Resourcing services or calling us on 01904 239910.
