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Three Secrets to Recruiting Superstars

It’s our job to understand the businesses that we represent so we are always keen to understand our clients’ growth strategies and how they are going to increase market share –  growth through innovation, strengthening customer relationships and acquiring competitors are often hot topics, but one thing that often gets overlooked is adopting smart hiring practices to ensure these things can be delivered. So here are 3 secrets to recruit sales superstars for your teams:

1. Reduce the length of your hiring process – A survey of over 3,000 jobseekers and 100 employers found that 46% of employers said they have reduced the length of time it takes to recruit a candidate, as its becoming increasingly challenging to find and compete for top talent. A shorter hiring process limits the risk of competing employer brands approaching prospective candidates, and candidates are more likely to stay engaged in the process. 59% of employers say they take less than two weeks between the role being advertised to the first round of interviews, with 92% making an offer in a week or less after the interview process.

2. Write a differentiated job description that gets the right talent engaged and excited – a job description should excite candidates, it should be unique to your company and highlight results and impact, rather than requirements. Paint a picture of what the role entails and what success will look like, remove arbitrary requirements (like pedigree, years of experience, and skills that can be learned on the job), and don’t be afraid to strike a casual tone so your candidates perceive you as friendly and human.

3. Specifically target potential candidates – To reach the right people you’ve got to find out where they are, and you then need to decide how you are going to reach out to them. You might decide to create an advertising campaign on an industry job board or on LinkedIn but remember, a good advert in the wrong place is going to be pretty ineffective and adverts can’t be tailored to be individually persuasive – it is generic content. The reality is that the people you want are in the jobs ‘doing the doing’. These people are not on databases, they are not checking in with LinkedIn – they are not on the job market. There are plenty of specialist organisations that can help you do this and we are one of them!

When we recruit for our clients, one of our commitments is that even with a database search we approach your top 3 competitors, find the top talent, assess their suitability and sell your organisation to them. We also use our network to reach out to ‘cold’ candidates – the ones who aren’t on job boards or LinkedIn and do the same.
